Monday, March 9, 2015

And So It Begins

Alright...the blog is finally here. To be honest, the reason this took me so long was not due to my tendency (okay, life choice) to procrastinate, it was because I could not decide on a title for the blog. And because I needed to enter a title before the site would let me "create" the blog, I kept putting it off. I also had to select a URL, which I based off one of my favorite ee cummings poems; of course some other pretentious blogger had already thought to do the same so I had to make a few attempts at tweaking it just enough to be uniquely unoriginal, if there is such a thing.

So I'm officially less than a month away from my April 7th start date at the California/Mexico border. That means this is starting to feel more real, but the true nerves have yet to set in. That probably won't happen until the night before I step onto the trail.

I have just about all of my gear. Just have some clothing items and a water filter that still need to be purchased. I can't wait to get back out there. The wilderness has been calling in one way or another for months now.

I don't have a whole lot to say at the moment, just wanted to get this going. Feel free to leave comments or questions you have for me regarding the hike. I don't know how much I'll be blogging before I actually begin hiking, but once I start I hope to post updates here at least once a week.

I've included the link to my hikefor page, where you can go to pledge money toward the causes I'm hiking for: the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (the Northern California Chapter) and the Wounded Warrior Project. 100% of the money raised goes to the causes, nothing goes to me.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by! :)

1 comment:

  1. As President of your "Fan Club" I want you to know I will be reading, and I am quite sure re-reading, every installment and of course hiking with you every step of the way Via Google Earth...I just hope I picked the right shoes! Boom (a.k.a. Mom).
